WELCOME! Under this page, you will find itesm being debated and voted on by the Assembly. As far as possible, the Assembly debates on an item or items. An item is a question framed in such a way that it is suitable for voting.
For practical reasons, deliberations on an item inside the Assembly is limited. A representative may be limited to 5 minutes floor time or to a 200 words long written submission. However, Representatives are free and encouraged to engage with these issues at length elsewhere. Inside the Assembly, each Representative has 200 words maximum to make their point on the item. Consensus built in this way will then be the building blocks of a legislation. At times, the Assembly may submit items to polls/referendum in order to better inform the representatives about the will of the people.
As a citizen, you are entitled to observe deliberations and votes of your representative body. Hence, you can read deliberations and see votes cast. However, only Representatives deliberate and vote. As a body the operates mostly virtually, deliberations are often in writing, which has the added advantage of instantly creating a writing record. To read those debates, hover over debates until you see sub-menus leading you to the items being debated. Debates also appear under the What’s New page.